Fuzzy logic controller for cooperative mobile robotics implemented in leader-follower formation approach


  • Manuel Alejandro Molina-Villa Militar University of New Granada
  • Daniel Ricardo Avendaño-Flórez Militar University of New Granada
  • Leonardo Enrique Solaque-Guzmán Militar University of New Granada https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2773-1028
  • Nelson Fernando Velasco-Toledo Militar University of New Granada




cooperative robotics, mobile robotics, fuzzy logic control, leader-follower, control systems


This paper presents the design of a fuzzy logic cooperative control by implementing the leader-follower approach that allows establishing and maintaining a specific geometric formation to a mobile robot group while they are moving along a predefined trajectory. As a result of the research, it was proved by simulation a cooperative control system that permits a set of robots to keep a specific formation while the group performs a predetermined mission. This control system helps to avoid obstacles by modifying the formation or by changing the leader inside the group.

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Author Biographies

Manuel Alejandro Molina-Villa, Militar University of New Granada

Research Group in Development of Mechatronics Applications (GIDAM), Faculty of Engineering.

Daniel Ricardo Avendaño-Flórez, Militar University of New Granada

Research Group in Development of Mechatronics Applications (GIDAM), Faculty of Engineering.

Leonardo Enrique Solaque-Guzmán, Militar University of New Granada

Research Group in Development of Mechatronics Applications (GIDAM), Faculty of Engineering.

Nelson Fernando Velasco-Toledo, Militar University of New Granada

Research Group in Development of Mechatronics Applications (GIDAM), Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Molina-Villa, M. A., Avendaño-Flórez, D. R., Solaque-Guzmán, L. E., & Velasco-Toledo, N. F. (2015). Fuzzy logic controller for cooperative mobile robotics implemented in leader-follower formation approach. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.n76a03