Water supply failure probability under influence of climate change - Balsillas river basin case study


  • Darwin Mena Rentería Saint Thomas University
  • Eydy Michell Espinosa Saint Thomas University
  • Paula Carolina Soler Saint Thomas University
  • Miguel Cañón Ramos Saint Thomas University
  • Freddy Santiago Duarte Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito
  • Jordi Rafael Palacios González Sergio Arboleda University




agroclimatology, agriculture, climate change adaptation, hydrology, water consumption


This project assesses the risk of water supply failure for the agricultural sector under climate change conditions by implementing hydrological models that support decision-making for satisfying consumptive demands in times of scarcity. This project was developed using hydrological modeling tools such as the HydroBID software and the SIMGES and SIMRISK water resource management models of AQUATOOL DSS. The flow series for a future scenario were obtained for different climate change scenarios from a Global Climate Model (GCM) and the Coordinated Regional Experiment on Climate Reduction (CORDEX) by downscaling the results from the global scale to basin-scale using a statistical method based on chaos theory. These projections show that under conditions of climate change, the agricultural sector of the Balsillas basin will not suffer significant impacts since they will be able to satisfy most demand points.

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Author Biographies

Darwin Mena Rentería, Saint Thomas University

Professor, Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

Eydy Michell Espinosa, Saint Thomas University

Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

Paula Carolina Soler, Saint Thomas University

Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

Miguel Cañón Ramos, Saint Thomas University

Researcher and Professor, Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

Freddy Santiago Duarte, Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito

PhD and Professor, Center for Hydraulic Studies.

Jordi Rafael Palacios González, Sergio Arboleda University

Professor, Center for Hydraulic Studies.


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How to Cite

Mena Rentería, D., Espinosa, E. M., Soler, P. C., Cañón Ramos, M., Duarte, F. S., & Palacios González, J. R. (2020). Water supply failure probability under influence of climate change - Balsillas river basin case study. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (103), 9–19. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.20201008

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