Bioactive coatings deposited by sol-gel on titanium alloys
titanium alloys, sol-gel, bioactive coatings, electrochemical assaysAbstract
Biomedical prosthetic devices are developed to be used in the human body in an effort to substitute the function provided by the original part. Metallic materials are used in the human body mainly for orthopedical purposes and their degradation by wear and or corrosion should be negligible. However, metals display some problems such as the in situ degradation and the requirement of external fixation. One of the ways of minimizing the release of corrosion products from the implant to the surrounding tissue consists in applying a protective coating. This protective coating may be functionalized with a bioactive material, able to generate a natural bonding to the living tissue. This work describes the development of a double layer coating obtained by the sol-gel technique containing bioactive glass, glass-ceramic and hydroxyapatite particles in hybrid methyl-triethoxisilane (MTES) and tetraethilorthosilicate (TEOS) acidic sol. The layer is applied on titanium alloy (ASTM F 67) by the dip-coating method. The electrochemical behavior of the coated samples was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy assays (EIS) using simulated body fluid (SBF) as electrolyte.
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