SOFCEV: Conventional LCC reduction and NPV based on savings in fixed carbon by sugarcane
Life cycle cost, carbon credits, solid oxide fuel cell electric vehicle, carbon dioxide emissions, sugarcane ethanolAbstract
Carbon pricing is a cost-effective method for mitigating climate impacts. This article examines the conventional life cycle cost (LCC), net present value (NPV), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (SOFCEV) powered by Brazilian fuels. The cost reduction potential of the SOFCEV was evaluated, considering the Brazilian productivity of sugarcane and the carbon fixed by these plantations, through the mechanism of carbon credits sale. Sugarcane ethanol and gasoline C (73% gasoline A and 27% anhydrous ethanol) were considered. Three scenarios were outlined: a) Cost of investment, fuel production, and vehicle maintenance and operation in USD/km, over a 10-year amortization period; b) SOFCEV emission cost from well-to-wheel added to cost (a); c) Cost of carbon fixed by hectares of sugarcane in Brazil necessary to supply the fuel demand of the SOFCEV subtracted from (b). Results showed that the ethanol-fuelled SOFCEV attends the carbon-neutral cycle, since the carbon credit sale resulted in an avoided cost 1.1 times higher than the emissions cost. Gasoline C showed similar results for the three scenarios, with an emission cost 2.5 times higher than the avoided cost. Carbon pricing was not sufficient to make the technology more viable for consumer, with an expected NPV of -USD 8006.38 after the amortization period. Thus, it is expected to obtain economic indicators to encourage the use of biofuels in electric fleets.
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