Treatment needs in primary dentition in 1-5 year old children with non treated dental caries in a low-income community Moravia, Medellín, 2006


  • Blanca Susana Ramírez-Puerta Universidad de Antioquia
  • Gloria Escobar-Paucar Universidad de Antioquia
  • José Fernando Castro-Aguirre Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ángela María Franco-Cortés Universidad de Antioquia



Dental caries, Children, Preschool, Primary dentition, Oral health, Epidemiology, Health disparity, Non treated dental caries, Treatment needs


Introduction: the purpose was to establish non treated dental caries prevalence and treatment needs in 1 to 5 year old children living in a low-income neighborhood in medellin. Methods: a cross-sectional study was performed in 162 children. a calibrated (Kappa 0.73) examiner assessed dental status according to Pitts & Fyffe criteria. Based on caries lesions advance (d1-d4), treatment needs were defined, according to current guidelines promoting a preventive and less invasive approach. The proportion of non treated dental caries was estimated, as well as the average and standard deviation of teeth per child requiring different treatment categories. Results: from the¿ total 162 children, 77.8% had non treated dental caries, each child having 5.8 ± 4.1 teeth needing some kind of treatment. From all dental caries lesions, 47% correspond to initial enamel lesions or small cavity confined to enamel (D1 - d2), potentially controlled by preventive treatment, and 53% compromise dentin and pulp (d3 - d4). treatment needs increased with age. Conclusions: high prevalence of early Childhood Caries and non treated dental caries lesions reflects cumulated treatment needs in this low income population and support a relationship between dental caries, inequalities and living conditions, limiting access to effective and opportune dental care. 

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Author Biography

Blanca Susana Ramírez-Puerta, Universidad de Antioquia

Odontóloga. magister en Epidemiología, profesora asociada , Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.



How to Cite

Ramírez-Puerta, B. S., Escobar-Paucar, G. ., Castro-Aguirre, J. F., & Franco-Cortés, Ángela M. (2009). Treatment needs in primary dentition in 1-5 year old children with non treated dental caries in a low-income community Moravia, Medellín, 2006. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 20(2), 129–137.

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