Valoración de las diferencias diagnósticas radiográficas entre la posición natural de la cabeza y la posición inducida por los auriculares del cefalostato en la angulación craneocervical


  • José V. Vallejo-O. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Francisco Levi Duque-S. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Germán Aguilar Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ana M. Ospina-M. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Claudia P. Herrera Universidad de Antioquia
  • Luz Ángela Arboleda Universidad de Antioquia



Matural head position, Lord curvature, Lateral cephalometric radiographs


For each patient there is a natural head position which responds to individual and environmental factors, like survival, independent from occlusion. The purpose of this study was to value the radiographicdiagnostic differences between lateral cephalometric radiographs taken in natural head position (NHP) and in a standard position with cephalostatic ear rods in the craneocervical angulation of each patient. Thirty patients were evaluated and two lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken for each subject, one in natural head position and the other in standard position with the cephalostatic ear rods. They were classified as biotype I, II, III according to their facial patterns and the ANB angle. The measurements were compared using both techniques and biotypes. The results showed statistical significant differences between both techniques on biotype III, but for biotype I and II the results were similar. It is suggested that the lateral cephalometric radiographs in the biotype III subjects be taken in natural head position.

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How to Cite

Vallejo-O., J. V., Duque-S., F. L., Aguilar, G., Ospina-M., A. M., Herrera, C. P., & Arboleda, L. Ángela. (2009). Valoración de las diferencias diagnósticas radiográficas entre la posición natural de la cabeza y la posición inducida por los auriculares del cefalostato en la angulación craneocervical. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 16(1 y 2), 6–14.

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