Correlation of the inclination of the incisors to the stability of the alignment of the anterior sector, based on PAR index criteria


  • Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Ladino Fundación Universitaria CIEO - UNICIEO
  • Sonia Patricia Plaza-Ruíz Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO
  • Judith Patricia Barrera-Chaparro Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO
  • Ivonne Liliana Barrero-Avellaneda Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO
  • Lizeth Meriño-Brochero Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO
  • Ángela Paola Ramírez-Herrera Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO



Incisor, recurrence, orthodontics retainers, index


Introduction: the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between incisor inclination at the end of orthodontic treatment with the anterior teeth alignment stability using PAR index. Methods: analytical cross-sectional study, the angle formed between the plane (Silla-Nasion) (U1-NS) and the inclination of the upper incisor and the angle between axial inclination of the lower incisor and mandibular plane (Go-Gn), were measured in 47 initial and final lateral radiographs of patients who finished orthodontic treatment. The anterior sector PAR index was applied to pretreatment (T0), posttreatment (T1) and follow-up (T2) casts. Statistical analysis was performed using frequency and percentage distributions, T test, Anova I, Anova II and Manova; significance p = 0,05. Results: no association was found between upper and lower incisor inclination, alignment stability and PAR weighted score between T2-T1 (p> 0,05). The PAR decreased 75,29% from T0 to T1 and 58,79% from T0 to T2, with a recurrence of 16,5%. There was no association between retainer type and PAR weighted score. From T0 to T2 there was an association between the interaction of the incisor inclination of upper (p = 0,03) and lower (p = 0,04), with the weighted total score of the PAR index. Conclusion: there was no association between the modification of the incisor inclination with the stability of the anterior sector. At the end of orthodontic treatment there was a high level of correction in the anterior-superior and inferior sector, however, there was a recurrence of 16,5%.

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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Ladino, Fundación Universitaria CIEO - UNICIEO

Especialista en Ortodoncia. Profesor Auxiliar. Departamento de Ortodoncia. Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO. Bogotá, Colombia

Sonia Patricia Plaza-Ruíz, Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO

Especialista en Ortodoncia. Profesor Asociado. Departamento de Ortodoncia. Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO. Bogotá, Colombia

Judith Patricia Barrera-Chaparro, Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO

Especialista en Ortodoncia. Profesor Asistente. Departamento de Ortodoncia. Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO. Bogotá, Colombia

Ivonne Liliana Barrero-Avellaneda, Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO

Magister en Radiología Oral y Maxilofacial. Departamento de Ortodoncia. Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO. Bogotá, Colombia

Lizeth Meriño-Brochero, Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO

Estudiante de posgrado en Ortodoncia, Fundación Universitaria CIEO – UniCIEO

Ángela Paola Ramírez-Herrera, Fundación Universitaria CIEO-UniCIEO

Estudiante de posgrado en Ortodoncia, Fundación Universitaria CIEO – UniCIEO


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How to Cite

Rodriguez-Ladino, J. C., Plaza-Ruíz, S. P., Barrera-Chaparro, J. P., Barrero-Avellaneda, I. L., Meriño-Brochero, L., & Ramírez-Herrera, Ángela P. (2022). Correlation of the inclination of the incisors to the stability of the alignment of the anterior sector, based on PAR index criteria. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 34(2), 6–20.

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