Debates within the Psychology of Moral Development


  • Melissa Cruz Puerto Universidad Nacional



Development, Moral, Psychology, Epistemology, Justice


The debate within the psychology of moral development has been characterized by different conceptual and theoretical strategies that rely on particular notions of development, epistemology and moral. From which this article seeks to show three major theoretical strategies that form the pillars of this field of study: The development, the universalist and the pluralist. Making an intertextual dialogue and confronting the work of such as Kohlberg, Piaget, Turiel and Gilligan among others, in order to show how each proposal has common elements and differentiating elements that delimitate the context and problems of this field of study that in recent decades has obtained a great importance within psychology.


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How to Cite

Cruz Puerto, M. (2015). Debates within the Psychology of Moral Development. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 6(1), 113–124.



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