Analysis of the Transformation of a 15-Years-Old Teenager Through Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy, Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy, Adolescence, therapy, contactAbstract
This case study aimed to recognize the different moments of psychotherapy developed from an existential Humanist approach and its transformation in the process of accompanying a 15-year-old adolescent, in the city of Medellin, Colombia, from the identification of emerging categories, this through a single case study, this being a type of study in which an in-depth analysis is made (Tight, 2017); The therapy had a duration of 20 sessions, the data analysis is done through the hermeneutic phenomenological method. Finally, three moments in therapy were identified, which were grouped into three categories established as units of analysis, these were: 1. Search and Acceptance; 2. Expansion: Differentiation / Integration and 3. Contact.
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