Relationship Between Susceptibility to Anticipated Punishment and Gaudiebility
enjoyment, punishment, negative emotions, negative affectAbstract
Susceptibility to delayed punishment is a new concept derived from Gray’s proposal that referred to susceptibility to immediate punishment. Gaudiebility is defined as the set of enjoyment modulators, several of which involve complex cognitive functions as well as the anticipation of punishment. There are no previous studies regarding such a relationship. The objective of this research was to study the relationship between susceptibility to anticipated punishment and gaudiebility. To achieve this, the Gaudiebility Scale for Adults of Morelia (EGAM-24) and the Anticipated Punishment Susceptibility Scale (ESCA) were applied to a sample of 314 participants older than 18 years of age. The results highlight a relationship between gaudiebility and the fear of rejection factor (which involves susceptibility to immediate and anticipated punishment). It is concluded that in future research, susceptibility to anticipated punishment can be related to other variables.
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