Vol. 26 No. 1 (2013): (March)
El ENICIP: por la viabilidad del campo
|Abstract = 108 veces | PDF = 32 veces| | HTML = 7 veces|
Original research articles
Effect of cyclicity and Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in fixed-time artificial insemination programs in Bos indicus cattle
|Abstract = 98 veces | PDF = 43 veces| | HTML = 28 veces| -
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) clones in the semi-arid lands of Pernambuco (Brazil)
|Abstract = 170 veces | PDF = 37 veces| | HTML = 10 veces| -
Vocalization and behavior of Holstein cows and calves after partial and complete separation
|Abstract = 116 veces | PDF = 64 veces| | HTML = 17 veces|
Clinical cases
Melting ulcer in a colt: clinical management and evolution
|Abstract = 102 veces | PDF = 46 veces| | HTML = 12 veces|
Brief communications
Buffering capacity of common feedstuffs used in ruminant diets
|Abstract = 76 veces | PDF = 21 veces| | HTML = 21 veces|
Letters to the editor
Role of sanitary and phytosanitary measures within the context of Free Trade Agreements
|Abstract = 105 veces | PDF = 30 veces| | HTML = 19 veces|