Continuing struggle: need to expand the causes of decriminalization of the abortion when the pregnancy represents damage to life project of the woman or alternatively indemnity for that when her life project is damage
damage to the person, moral damage, freedom, free development of personality, patriarchy, life project, tubectomyAbstract
This article studies the treatment and the juridical solution that should give, when a woman decides don`t have more children, she chooses o method of family planning, like a tubal ligation, and the mother´s decision is frustrated by the negligent conduct of the doctor, and this produces restrictions of free development of personality, changes the conditions of existence and producing a lot of material and immaterial damages, the most important and the less use is “damages to the project of life”. There are two needs, the first is expanding the causes of decriminalization of the abortion when happened that, and the second is the indemnity by the doctor or hospital when they commit a mistake in a tubal ligation.
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