Corruption, anticorruption fight and forms of government: search the concept of corruption


  • Ana Victoria Vásquez Cárdenas Universidad de Antioquia
  • Mario Montoya Brand Universidad Eafit



corruption, fight against corruption, political theory, political systems, forms of government


This article traces the complexity of the term “corruption” within the framework of classical political theory. It seeks to intervene in contemporary debate aimed to establishing the most accurate and current meaning of the term, but taking as a reference the various uses that the term corruption has had on the history of political theory, particularly in regard to the different forms and systems of government. The historical tracing made in the article suggest that the concept of corruption and the ways of fight against the corruption, are reducible, in last term, to the ideological perspectives that defend or attack each type of political organization, whereby it is scientifically impossible to find a universal concept and an unequivocal legitimacy for its control

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Author Biographies

Ana Victoria Vásquez Cárdenas, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science

Mario Montoya Brand, Universidad Eafit

Law School


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How to Cite

Vásquez Cárdenas, A. V., & Montoya Brand, M. (2011). Corruption, anticorruption fight and forms of government: search the concept of corruption. Estudios De Derecho, 68(152), 226–253.