The tension between constitutionalism and democracy


  • Francisco Cortés Rodas Universidad de Antioquia



constitutionalism, majoritarian democracy, limit, politic, law, constitution


This article is about both a study and historical analysis of the opposition between constitutionalism and democracy since the modernity until the present. In the democratic constitutionalism the constitution should ser to limit the possible decisions that can take a democratic legislator. For the theorist of the majoritarian democracy the constitution can’t be a limit to the majority decisions. They defend the politic supremacy and the priority over the law. By the presentation of the basic thesis of Locke, Rousseau, Sieyes, Paine, Hamilton, Dworkin and Ferrajoli develops the tension between constitutionalism and democracy and shows the limits and the perspectives in the contemporary discussion about the democratic thought.

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Author Biography

Francisco Cortés Rodas, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Cortés Rodas, F. (2012). The tension between constitutionalism and democracy. Estudios De Derecho, 69(153), 13–32.