The Colombian decentralization in the Andean community framework (ACN)


  • Carolina Blanco Alvarado Universidad Libre



Decentralization, Andean Community Law, Andean Community


This article aims to examine in the context of administrative decentralization in Colombia, some legal implications of Andean Integration Law in Domestic Law. This for the reason that Colombia has transferred the exercise of some state powers to the Andean Community, International Organization such as configuring alternative power center and concurrent to the Colombian State, which has subsequently generated the center of gravity of production rules are move on a shared basis with the Andean Community.

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Author Biography

Carolina Blanco Alvarado, Universidad Libre

Lawyer from the Externado de Colombia University. Master in Fundamental Rights - Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Constitutional Law Specialist - Center for Political and Constitutional Studies of Madrid, Spain. Administrative Law Specialist - Universidad del Rosario - Bogotá, Colombia. Professor - Researcher at the Free University - Bogotá. Professor at the Santo Tomas University - Bogotá. Professor at the Catholic University - Bogotá


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How to Cite

Blanco Alvarado, C. (2012). The Colombian decentralization in the Andean community framework (ACN). Estudios De Derecho, 69(153), 33–49.