The popularization of the legal clinic: a bet for one education with social relevance




education, teaching, popularization of law, human rights, social participation


In law school, the legal clinic, is the privileged place where the student is in direct contact with the realities and issues around the legal system, where you can also enables paces explicit exchange of knowledge, to encourage, in turn discussion and reflection on the professional role of the student. From this point of view, this paper proposes the formation of student legal clinic popularize of law. Thus, we develop an overview of legal education and the continental tradition in which you enroll, we will show that the legal clinic is designed as teaching practice of law in Colombia, and finally substantiate why include the popularization of the right to through legal clinics is an alternative that would enable him to socially relevant legal education in Latin America.

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Author Biographies

Sandra Patricia Duque Quintero, Universidad de Antioquia

Candidate for a Doctorate in Education, Master in Law, Specialist in Environmental Management and Lawyer from the University of Antioquia, professor linked to the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Antioquia, Coordinator of the Research Line Labor and Safety Law Social, Law and Society Group, Category D, Colciencias. DIDES Group Researcher, Category A1, Colciencias. COLCIENCIAS Fellow, 2007.

Elvia María González Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in education: curriculum emphasis, Specialist in Literature and Bachelor of Education: Spanish and Literature, Professor linked to the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia. Coordinator of the DIDES Research Group, Category A1, Colciencias.

Marta Lucía Quintero Quintero, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in Education: Sociology of Education, Specialist in Personalized Education, Graduate in Geography. Professor of the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia. Research group DIDES, Category A1, Colciencias


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How to Cite

Duque Quintero, S. P., González Agudelo, E. M., & Quintero Quintero, M. L. (2012). The popularization of the legal clinic: a bet for one education with social relevance. Estudios De Derecho, 69(154), 287–300.