Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: legislation development in Colombia.


  • Carlos Parra Dussan Universidad Sergio Arboleda



disability, effective exercise of rights, public policies


On December 13, 2011 the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, there approved the project of statutory law 167 of 2011 Senate and 092 of 2011 Chamber, by means of which the dispositions are dictated to guarantee the full exercise of the rights of the persons with disability This project of law had the initiative of the gentleman Secretary of the Interior Doctor Germán Vargas Lleras and his equipment, with the support of the organizations of and for persons with disability, the civil society, the persons networks with disability, being achieved real making this valuable juridical instrument in which there devote themselves the conceptual developments of the International Convention for the Laws of the Persons with Disability, Law 1346 of 2009, with judgment of constitutionality C-293 of 2010, that are detailed in the present article, including the most relevant jurisprudence and the corresponding doctrine.

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Author Biography

Carlos Parra Dussan, Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Director of the Human Rights Research Group (De las Casas) Sergio Arboleda University. Doctor in Fundamental Rights Carlos III University of Madrid, Specialist in Constitutional Law of the Center for Constitutional Studies of Madrid-Spain, Lawyer Universidad del Rosario.


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How to Cite

Parra Dussan, C. (2012). Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: legislation development in Colombia. Estudios De Derecho, 69(154), 301–321.