Foxes and hedgehogs in front to the deliberative democracy
deliberative democracy, pluralism, conflict, disagreement, foxes, hedgehogsAbstract
Deliberative democracies share the ideology of that regulatory issues are resolved based on deliberation guided by the best reasons and the triumph of the better argument. The corollary of deliberation must be a rational consensus about our values and principles. So the discussion should come right answer to our valuation and regulatory issues outstanding. This view has been challenged in various ways. An important challenge is linked with multiculturalism. Cultural diversity can naturally lead to a plurality of incommensurable and conflicting values. Conflicts can produce limits to values for rational consensus. This is precisely the point that I discuss in this paper. I organize the map of discussion into two attitudes toward divergent values. One of the foxes, the other that of hedgehogs. While the foxes allowed value pluralism, hedgehogs are monistic because they believe in the unity and internal consistency of value.
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