Irregularity in the occupation of the urban land in Medellin. Systematizing experiences.
systematizing of experiences, urban irregularity, regularization, qualifications, right to the city and territorial classificationAbstract
The urban irregularity is the result of specific forms of production of the Latin-American city, characterized by the coexistence of two ways of living; the formality and the informality. The present work seeks to characterize the process of irregular occupation of the urban land in Medellin, Colombia, from the systematizing of the experiences of the University of Antioquia in processes of study of titles, subdivision of the soil, qualifications of lands and regularization of accessions executed between the year 2007 and 2011 in order show the relation between the practices and processes used in the experiences and the conceptual frame associated with the theoretical elaborations on the urban irregularity and the informality in the possession of the land in Latin America.
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