False dilemma of the neo constitutionalism: Relationship between law and moral. Necessary union vs radical separation
law and moral, positivism, neoconstitutionalism, thesis of the union, thesis of the separationAbstract
This paper presents the actual relationship between right and morality, under the theoretical currents of neoconstitutionalism and positivism, from which two opposing positions are presented: a necessary connection vs a radical separation. However, between this relationship it is presented an intermediate position, called inclusive positivism, post-positivism or positivist constitutionalism; as embodied in the areas of creation, existence, validity, interpretation and justification of the right
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Estudios de Derecho is governed by the following regulation: Political Constitution of Colombia, article 61; Law 23 of 1982, articles 1 and 2; Law 44 of 1993, chapter II, article 6 and chapter IV, article 51; Law 599 of 2000 through which the Penal Code is issued, articles 270, 271 and 272. In addition, the journal is governed by the guidelines of the National Copyright Directorate and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for Colombia. Finally, it abides by Rectoral Resolution 21231 of 5 August, 2005, through which the Statute on Intellectual Property is issued.
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