"Naturalize" the neoliberal ideology: educate in the capitalist habitus
educational neoliberalism, uber-entrepreneurship, pedagogy of selfishness, emotional capitalismAbstract
This paper analyses how a new neoliberal subjectivity is being adapted to the society of advanced capitalism we live in as well as the role that education plays in this reconfiguration. Now that conquest by force is a thing of the past, control is exercised by means of persuasion. Domination is more deep-rooted and lasting when the person dominated is unaware of it. This is why, in the long-term, the challenge for every empire that desires to endure is to subjugate the people’s will. The efficiency of the neoliberal system lies primarily on a process of collective internalisation of the system’s logic, so that people “freely” abide by what they have been led to believe. Neoliberal ideology permeates the education system through the logic of entrepreneurship that transforms self-interest into an essential, transcendental drive. The educational reforms being introduced throughout much of the world, following guidance of clearly neoliberal international economic organisations, are inserting this logic into current education systems. The latest Spanish educational reform, the LOMCE, is a good example of this. The present article analyses some of its key aspects.
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