Assigning evidentiary consequences to the parties' conduct. Failure to comply with a burden or a duty?
False confession, presumed confession, absolute presumption, endo-procedural presumption, duty of collaboration of the parties in the evidentiary activityAbstract
In procedural systems, the legislator establishes cases in which it assigns evidentiary consequences to the parties’ conduct, which are the fictitious or presumed confession, the presumption of the fact and the absolute presumption; its assignment is based on a reason for being within the framework of the general theory of process and evidence, which is derived from the inadequate actions of the parties that prevent or restrict the handling of the means of evidence, limiting access to the source of evidence and thus preventing the occurrence or non-occurrence of a certain fact from being proven in the process. This is the issue addressed in this article, which aims to determine whether the consequence thus established, consisting in generating a substitute for proof, is the result of non-compliance with a burden by virtue of which a disadvantage is generated as a result of the infringement of a particular interest, or whether it is a matter of non-compliance with a duty that generates a penalty as a result of the infringement of a public interest. The method under which it was developed takes an approach to the validity of law, associated with legal positivism, analyzing the Constitution and the General Procedural Code.
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