Generación de lineamientos para una propuesta de política pública que oriente la publicidad dirigida a niños de entre los 2 y 10 años, como mercado objetivo para la prevención de los efectos nocivos en ellos
Advertising, consumer statute, public policy, children and adolescents.Abstract
This document traces the existing laws in Colombia that regulate the advertising aimed at children and adolescents, and the way in which advertising operates as a means of manipulation. An analysis will be made of the inadequate regulation and enforcement in this field, as well as how media operates to provide services to corporations producing goods and services. Regarding the latter, mention will be made of the methods used to attract clients in order to generate greater income, which have had an indirect or direct harmful effect on the psychological, physical and social development of many children and adolescents. We believe that, due to communication and technological facilities, children and adolescents have been permeated by a large amount of aggressive and systematic advertising that offers them services that are detrimental to their integral development. All this, with the intention of raising awareness of the need for a public policy proposal that, with interdisciplinary support, will result in the prevention and attention of the harmful effects that this type of advertising causes in this population group.
Keyword: Advertising, consumer statute, public policy, children and adolescents.
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- 2024-01-31 (1)
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