Coherence in and within public policies for sustainable development and innovation: analysis of the case of Colombia based on CONPES documents
public policy coherence, Sustainable Development Goals, innovation policyAbstract
Policy coherence is a phenomenon of growing interest and as a result, multiple analytical frameworks have emerged to better grasp it. Based on Cejudo and Michel (2016), here we analyze the coherence in and between policies aimed at implementing the SDGs (CONPES document no. 3918) and fostering investment in innovation (CONPES document no. 3892) in Colombia. We examine the internal causal theory of each policy in conjunction with the correspondence between objectives, instruments and target beneficiaries of both. Results show that coherence in policy is a frequent condition in their design, while coherence within policies is possible when there are overarching objectives that can facilitate articulation with other policies.
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- 2024-07-30 (2)
- 2024-01-31 (1)
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