Crimes and globalization


  • Luigi Ferrajoli Università degli Studi Roma III



globalization, criminal law, criminal matter, minimum criminal law


This essay examines the crisis that has generated globalization in the role of law such as gets manifested in the breakdown of the two functions of guarantee of the criminal law: the prevention of crimes and the prevention of arbitrary sentences. To understand their nature and depth we need to reflect about the double mutation brought by globalization in the phenomenology of the offences and penalties: in one hand, a mutation that relatesto what we could call criminal matter, it means, the economical,social and political nature of the crimes, and secondly, one that we call disciplinary matter, referred to the forms of punitive action and causes of impunity.

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Author Biography

Luigi Ferrajoli, Università degli Studi Roma III

Autor florentino, ejerció como juez (1967 y 1975) y actualmente es profesor de Filosofía del derecho y de Teoría general del derecho en la Università degli Studi Roma III. Autor de, entre otros libros, Teoria assiomatizzata del diritto, Democrazia autoritaria e capitalismo maturo, en colaboración con Danilo Zolo, La cultura giuridica nell'Italia del Novecento, Derecho y razón: teoría del garantismo penal, Derechos y garantías: la ley del más débil, Los fundamentos de los derechos fundamentales, Razones jurídicas del pacifismo y Garantismo: una discusión sobre derecho y democracia.



How to Cite

Ferrajoli, L. (2008). Crimes and globalization. Estudios De Derecho, 65(145), 15–30.