The international contract for the sales of goods, in the Colombian state legal system


  • José Luis Marín Fuentes Universidad de Antioquia



International sale, state control, organics laws


This article isreferred to the few development that currently existsregarding the implementation of the Vienna Convention of 1980 on international contracts for the sale of goods and that are being developed in the field Colombian state contract, it becomes necessary to attempt to provide a vision more open about their use and application within the framework of state contracts. This paper shows how we can take out an internationally negotiation without the usual difficulties that exist in hiring state which has a very particular regime regarding the role to be played when state entities are due to negotiate with people or companies from abroad.

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Author Biography

José Luis Marín Fuentes, Universidad de Antioquia

Lawyer and Professor of private international law and international contracts at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antioquia. Specialist and Master in private international law and international contract


CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL. Bogotá Sentencia C-529 de mayo 10 del 2000 Magistrado Ponente Dr. Antonio Barrera Carbonell.

CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL. Bogotá Sentencia C-432 del 12 de abril del 2000 de la Corte Constitucional Magistrado Ponente Dr. Alfredo Beltrán Sierra.

GARCÍACASTILLO, Tonatiuh, El contrato de Estado Internacional. México D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones jurídicas UNAM. 2008.

MARÍN FUENTES, José Luis, Compraventa Internacional de Mercancías, Medellín: Editorial Señal Editora. 2006.

UNIDROIT. Principios UNIDROIT sobre los contratos mercantilesinternacionales. Versión digital disponible en: (mayo de 2008).

VALENCIA RESTREPO, Hernán, Nomoárquica, principialística jurídica o los Principios Generales del derecho, Segunda edición, Bogotá: Editorial Témis, 1999



How to Cite

Marín Fuentes, J. L. (2010). The international contract for the sales of goods, in the Colombian state legal system. Estudios De Derecho, 67(149), 39–60.