The reflective thought in the teaching and learning of social sciences
reflexive thought, teaching, learning, social sciences, educative and reflexive practices, dialogue, cognitive linguistic skillsAbstract
The article begin with a synthesis of programs and proposals for the thought in education development; in the same are take up the tendencies that consider it as a general process that can be transferred to anystudy mater, and those that start from the principle that its teaching must be centered in reasoning principles, related to specific domains and its transferring is only possible to the same knowledge field. Later, a theorical exploration about the thoughand reflexive educative practices based in the dialogue, the knowing and the reflection in the action and on the action is presented. In the text the author goes deep into the principles and essentials concepts of the teaching and the learning of reflexive thought in Social Sciences, that relation their teachingto the specifics contents of disciplinary area, and from active pedagogical strategies, as problems solving,that favors the process analysisor related to development of cognitive linguistic skills situations, some as the description, the explanation, the justification, the interpretation and the arguing , that permits to the student to learn to process information as a functionof the rational understandingand the personal criterions acquisition for citizens and democratical decisions.
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