Good practice for the use of film in social science teaching
education , audiovisual materials, social science teachingAbstract
Thistext includes reflections arising in the investigation"Knowingto influence educational practice." Their resultsproduceda series of transformations in the developmentof teaching practices for students at the race History of the University of Buenos Aires, was changedthe paradigm of teaching and learning from the widespread use of new information technologies and communication by students and teachers, were laid out some methodological guidelines to improve practice and propose alternatives to full viewing of the films. Innovation is the development of foundation technologies that promote the release of fragments and the selection of cuts of images tobe viewed in class , Alain Bergala technology called Fragments Places in Relationship (FPR). Analyzed phenomena leave open a huge gap on what went before with the use of film in the classroom and what is developing in the practices of student teachers, with an emphasis on the analysis of the look and the use of filmin the classroomand whatis developingin the practicesof student teachers, with an emphasis on the analysis of the look and production of materials audiovisual. Since the films are so efficient a ttelling and motivate knowledge, as he was until the twentieth century textbook. In research,it is suggested that novice teachers use scripted audiovisual work with the current study.
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