A foucauldian concept: esthetics of the existence
esthetics of the existence, life as a work of art, pedagogy, education, subjectivityAbstract
This article derives from the research project “Esthetics of the existence: A possible meaning for a concept with enormous pedagogical, political, and anthropological potentials”. As the title suggests, it seeks to find a possible meaning for this concept, which was introduced in Foucault’s latest reflections in correlation to its ethical proposals but with no in-depth development. The interest of finding a meaning to this concept is connected to its supposed great pedagogical, political and anthropological potential, and therefore it constitutes a significant foucauldian contribution to the disciplinary and professional field of pedagogy. These aspects will be addressed in this article: concept contextualization, research background, the meaning designed for this concept, and some final reflections on the suggested meaning and its implications for pedagogy.
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