Geometry for school inclusion, a possibility within our grasp: the case of conic sections
classroom-workshop methodology, euclidean geometry, the teaching of mathematicsAbstract
This article is a synopsis of the final paper «Towards mathematical education for school inclusion. Contributions from a pedagogical proposal based on geometry from the classroom-workshop methodology», which identified, within the processes of teaching and learning of mathematics, some contributions of Euclidean geometry, based on the methodology of classroom-workshop in the context of school inclusion. This article describes some experiences with students having diverse motivations, social realities, and potentials who were coursing tenth grade at the Euskadi school in the city of Medellín, Colombia; such experiences resulted from the design and implementation of strategies intended to include students in the construction of mathematical concepts. By qualitatively analyzing the students’ processes in the construction of knowledge during each activity and considering the mediation of geometry between the real world and math, and the classroom-workshop as a possible active methodology in an inclusive context, the math class can be demanding with each individual’s capabilities.
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