Public policies innovation in Southeastern Mexico higher education


  • Jesús Francisco Cauich Canul University of Anahuac-Mayab



innovation, public policies, higher education, RVOE


Innovation implies redesigning existing knowledge from new information and proposals of improvement under certain parameters of quality and measurable objectives according to personal interests in studies or research projects.

This study discusses innovation in connection with public policies in the field of higher education in private institutions to obtain Recognition of Official Validity of Studies (RVOE for its Spanish initials) to teach at these higher education levels: Higher Technical Education, Bachelor’s degree, Specialization, Master’s degree, and PhD, in the fields of Social Sciences, Administration, Engineering and Technology, Health Science, and Education and the Humanities, which are the ones most demanded in the city of Mérida (Yucatán, Mexico). The study refers to assessment procedures that allow determining the relevance of the educational programs requested by private higher education institutions each school year. Finally, it discusses the differences and similarities between assessment tools, assessment agencies, regulations, and evaluation processes among some states in southeastern Mexico.

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Author Biography

Jesús Francisco Cauich Canul, University of Anahuac-Mayab

PhD in Education, University of Granada, Spain. Currently a third semester PhD student in Government and Political Management at University of Anahuac-Mayab. Master in Natural Sciences from the Escuela Normal Superior de Yucatán. Master in Government and Public Policies from the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Bachelor in Education from the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Institutional affiliation in the Education Secretariat of the Government of the State of Yucatan. Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.



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How to Cite

Cauich Canul, J. F. (2014). Public policies innovation in Southeastern Mexico higher education. Uni-Pluriversidad, 14(1), 15–26.




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