Teacher training referents in environmental education. Review background 2000-2012


  • Jenny Johanna Duarte Díaz National Pedagogical University
  • Edgar Orlay Valbuena Ussa National Pedagogical University




environmental education, teacher training, document review, backgrounds


The environmental education in the contemporary school appears as a great challenge in which it turns out important to locate the teachers as agents capable of intervening in the environmental processes that possess the educational communities that integrate. To advance in this idea is relevant to identify the aspects in which one has come framing the teachers’ formation in environmental education, examining his precedents and historical modals.
In this writing present different studies realized in the field of the formation of the teacher in environmental education in last decade and a review of the political recommendations worldwide and native that they have proposed in the relating thing to this field.
For his development a methodology was approached from the interpretive paradigm by a qualitative approach, stocks on the method of documentary review which allowed to demonstrate that there are small the works developed in this area worldwide and even scantier the national documentation. Found so far twenty-fivepapers which were presented in this paper the analysis of fifteen works of different contexts that raise the importance of reflexive works in the educators from the descriptions of his practices, the identification of his conceptions and the design of strategies.
This little information makes possible the idea of initiating studies that allow to design offers and to create new forms of environmental education for the teachers of the different areas of the knowledge.
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Author Biographies

Jenny Johanna Duarte Díaz, National Pedagogical University

Inter-institutional PhD student in Education. Specialist in teaching biology. Graduate in Biology from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. Master’s degree in Amazonian studies from the National University of Colombia. Teacher Secretariat of District Education.

Edgar Orlay Valbuena Ussa, National Pedagogical University

Doctor in Didactics of Experimental Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Teacher-researcher at the National Pedagogical University, Research Group Professional Knowledge of the Professor of Sciences.


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How to Cite

Duarte Díaz, J. J., & Valbuena Ussa, E. O. (2014). Teacher training referents in environmental education. Review background 2000-2012. Uni-Pluriversidad, 14(2), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.20054

