Continuum of the political-economic processes in Colombia


  • Ricardo Sánchez Cárcamo Pilot University of Colombia



polictics, economics, education, continuum, exclusion


Public policies are a continuum in that, as William Dunn suggests, they work as a bridge between past and present, allowing the development of knowledge and the application of specialized knowledge through history. In Colombia, this process has been associated to the confrontations for the concentration of wealth, so that economic actors and their connections to political decision-making are in fact intentionally defending particular benefits at the expense of territorial development which, regardless of the nominal positions of political parties, have resulted in the historical exclusion of most people. The factors for reversing this continuum lie in the consequences of such intentionality, which implies that it is necessary to strengthen education processes while at the same time making decisions on how to provide job opportunities in agreement with the job offer characteristics—mostly unskilled labor—and, similarly, on how to encourage or strengthen entrepreneurship with intensive employment and with policies associated to greater benefit shares.

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Author Biography

Ricardo Sánchez Cárcamo, Pilot University of Colombia

Philosopher of the Pontifical Javeriana University. Specialist in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law at the  Externado University of Colombia. Specialist in Economics from the Pntifical Javeriana University. Author of the "Analytical Model of Ontological Security", published by the District Secretariat of Social Integration of Bogotá in 2011. Co-author of the book "New Possibilities of the Human Rights-Based Approach: A Guide for Use in Political Advocacy and Public Policy", published by the Instituto Pensar of the Pontificial Javeriana University in Bogotá in 2014. He is also co-author of different productive profiles' of different municipalities in Colombia; work done for the United Nations Development Program. He is currently a professor and researcher at the Financial Engineering Program of the Pilot University of Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cárcamo, R. (2016). Continuum of the political-economic processes in Colombia. Uni-Pluriversidad, 15(2), 17–37.

