Experiences of Research Seedbeds at Universidad de Antioquia Seccional Oriente
Learning and Perspectives
Hotbeds of research, Research training, Undergraduate researchAbstract
Research Seedbeds have consolidated as one of the main research education strategies at Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) and Colombia. The trajectory of this movement has been well systematized and theoretically supported. However, there exists little information and register about Research Seedbeds in the Eastern campus of the UdeA, a regional campus located in the East of Antioquia department. Aiming at conducting a reflective exercise about the experience of this strategy in the Eastern campus of the UdeA, we, two members of a Research Seedbed of this campus, carried out the qualitative research project that we socialise in this paper. In this report, first, we present a historical and conceptual overview through the strategy of Research Seedbeds in the UdeA as well as a historical recount of the context of the Eastern campus of the UdeA. After that, we expose three relevant historical moments in the origins, consolidation and expansion of the Research Seedbeds in the Eastern campus of the UdeA, showing how different administrative and infrastructural conditions have contributed to the expansion of the strategy. Thanks to this historical recount, we identify some learned lessons, aspects that have favoured and constrained the development of the Research Seedbed strategy in the particular conditions of the Eastern campus, and some perspectives for future work. To conclude, we highlight the fact that the strategy may help consolidate Research as a missionary axis in the Eastern campus of the UdeA, for which it would be necessary to promote the recruitment of teacher-researchers, the creation of research groups and lines of local research.
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