An approximation to the psychosocial risk factors to which university adjunct professors are exposed to in the city of Medellin


  • Oscar Hernán Velásquez Arboleda Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Ever de Jesús Bedoya Bedoya University of Antioquia



psychosocial risks, psychosocial risk factors


In first  place  this  article  presents  an  approach  to  the  problems  and  psychosocial  risks faced by university adjunct professors given the new working conditions imposed in the country by the Higher  Education  market.    It  deals  later  with  the  evolution  of  Colombian  law  regarding identification  and  protection  of  the  psychosocial  risks;  particularly,  where  there  are  established factors  which  allow  the  identification  of  responsibilities  regarding exposure  that  employees  may have to  psychosocial risk factors  as byproduct  of occupational stress, offering parameters for the assessment,  prevention,  study  and  management  of  the  risks. It  also  presents  the  results  of  the exploratory  research  “Degree  of Assessment  of  Psychosocial  risks  factors  performed  by  academic areas on adjunct professors at Antioquia universities”, where it was encouraged the need for a more in-depth  study  regarding  the  issues  concerning  working  conditions  of  the  adjunct  professors at  the University of Antioquia and the Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid in the city of Medellín.

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Author Biographies

Oscar Hernán Velásquez Arboleda, Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Public Accountant from the University of Antioquia, Specialist in Management from CEIPA, Specialist in Human Talent Management, Master's Degree in Business Management from EAE of Spain, Certificate IV and Diploma of training and assessment from Box Hill Tafe in Australia, Magistrate of Management of the Human Talent from the University of Manizales, Associate Research Professor at the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid. Focused on the area of managerial knowledge.

Ever de Jesús Bedoya Bedoya, University of Antioquia

Profesional  en  Idiomas  de  la  Universidad  de  Antioquia,  Especialista  en  Gerencia  del  Talento Humano, Magistrando de Gerencia del Talento Humano de la Universidad de Manizales.Docente de Inglés de negocios Universidad de Antioquia e ITM. Enfocado en áreas lingüísticas y de gestión del talento humano.


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How to Cite

Velásquez Arboleda, O. H., & Bedoya Bedoya, E. de J. (2011). An approximation to the psychosocial risk factors to which university adjunct professors are exposed to in the city of Medellin. Uni-Pluriversidad, 10(2), 22–35.