The place of geography education in reducing vulnerability to environmental risks
environmental disasters, geography education, perception of risks, environmental risks, personal vulnerabilityAbstract
The vulnerability of people before threatening events occur such as storms, earthquakes, floods or landslides and other natural phenomena is of great importance for the prevention of disasters. And, the most important strategy to overcome vulnerability is education, which should include the knowledge of the geographical context and community perception of it; especially, if within these territories there are environmental risks. There are many variables that define social vulnerability, but one of the most important is to identify knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of the people when facing risks. The identification of this knowledge and perception is not generalized to all the community. It is important to define the heterogeneity and complexity of the knowledge and perceptions to implement an adequate plan of prevention, both in educational institutions as well as in places where people live. If the issues of environmental risks are included in geography classes, this would represent an important contribution to recognizing and reducing the vulnerability people`s risks. Similarly, this would be an important contribution of the geography content area to an issue that becomes more important everyday worldwide: environmental risks and disasters.
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