Public Space and Recreation: A Reading of a public space in Bogota


  • César Báez Quintero National Pedagogical University



social spac, recreational approac, territory, territoriality


The present article shows some of the results obtained from the research done during 2009 and 2010, in the  Social  Construction  of  the  Space  line,  for  the  Social  Studies  Master’s  Program  at  the Universidad  Pedagógica  Nacional.  The  objective  of  the  project  was  to  establish  the  relationship that  exists  in  Public  Spaces  as  observed  from  the  park  and  the  recreational  approach  points  of view.  This  relationship  must  be  understood  from  different  actions  that  are  developed  by  the communities in its specific contexts. These actions  satisfy the emotional and social-affective needs of people, and as a way of being and relating to daily life spaces they can be enjoyed, and generate symbolic  and  imaginary  activities.  The  guiding  question  for  this  project  is:  How  does  the  park, through  a  recreational  approach,  contributes in  the  identification,  appropriation  and appraisal of spaces in the population of Bogotá? The target population is the changing population that frequents the Parque Metropolitano Simón Bolívar on Sundays. 

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Author Biography

César Báez Quintero, National Pedagogical University

Graduate in Social Sciences, Magister in Social Studies. National Pedagogical University.


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How to Cite

Báez Quintero, C. (2011). Public Space and Recreation: A Reading of a public space in Bogota. Uni-Pluriversidad, 10(3), 177–185.