Bioguided fractionation from Solanum elaeagnifolium to evaluate toxicity on cellular lines and breast tumor explants




Solanum, fractionation, bioguided, cell line, tumor


Background: Bioactive compounds were isolated from the fruit of S. elaeagnifolium, as it has a high potential for functional foods or pharmaceutical products development. Objectives: In this study bioguided fractionation a methanolic extract from S. elaeagnifolium fruit was carried out to evaluate cytotoxicity and antitumoral potential on breast tumor explants. Methods: A microdilution method with A. salina was used to isolate bioactive compounds; fractionation was performed by vacuum liquid chromatography, and the monitoring from fractions was done by thin layer chromatography. Moreover, toxicity from fractions isolated in Vero, HeLa, and MCF-7 cell lines was assessed by MTT assay, as well as in breast tumor explants by Alamar blue assay. To partially identify compounds was realized a qualitative phytochemical analysis as well as a spectroscopic characterization by Rp-HPLC-MS. Results: Were promising, as it was observed that FVLC7 showed an LC50= 44.8 ± 3.5 ppm on HeLa cell line, while Vero and MCF-7 cell lines showed an LC50=80.0 ± 8.5 and LC50 >1000 ppm respectively. Also, an antitumor effect was found in breast tumor explants obtained from a patient in remission. Qualitative phytochemical analysis showed that FVLC7 contains alkaloids, coumarins, and sesquiterpene lactones, whereas characterization by Rp-HPLC-MS detected quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, dicafeoilquinic acid as well as presence an alkaloid. Conclusion: Therefore, was confirmed that active compounds isolated from S. elaeagnifolium possess antineoplastic potential and that A. salina test facilitates its selection.

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Author Biographies

Leobardo HERNÁNDEZ O., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Faculty of Chemical Sciences

Pilar CARRANZA R., Centro de Investigación Biomédica del Noreste

Cellular and molecular biology

Luis Enrique COBOS P., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Faculty of Chemical Sciences

Lluvia Itzel LÓPEZ L., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Faculty of Chemical Sciences

Juan Alberto ASCASIO V., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Faculty of Chemical Sciences

Sonia Yesenia SILVA B., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Faculty of Chemical Sciences


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How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ O., L., CARRANZA R., P., COBOS P., L. E., LÓPEZ L., L. I., ASCASIO V., J. A., & SILVA B., S. Y. (2017). Bioguided fractionation from Solanum elaeagnifolium to evaluate toxicity on cellular lines and breast tumor explants. Vitae, 24(2), 124–131.



Natural Products