Application of impedance spectroscopy for the characterization of hams during post-salting


  • Joel GIRÓN H. Universidad Surcolombiana
  • Rafael MASOT P. Centro Mixto Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Raúl Grau M. Universitàt Politècnica de València
  • José Barat B. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia



dry-cured ham, quality, control, sensor, non-destructive analysis


Background: The smart control for food and feed technologies consist in the development of new methods that facilitate the control of productive processes guaranteeing the quality and safety of agrofood products. The importance given to this research line is a clear indicator of the interest of all of the agents implicated in promoting the introduction of innovative technologies. The goal is to implement new, fast, economical, analytical techniques, which constitute a real alternative to traditional control procedures. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of an electronic sensor based on the impedance spectroscopy technique for the characterization of hams during the post-salting step (8, 10, 12 and 14 weeks). Materials and methods: 60 hams from three different categories (fat, semi-fat and lean), were tray salted under the conditions of a company (xNaCl = 0.11 g/g dry matter). For each time, samples were first evaluated with the electronic method (non-destructive analysis) and then analytical determinations of: mass variation, moisture content, fat content, salt content and water activity were performed on each ham in different zones. The electric data were evaluated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and regression with Partial Least Squares (PLS) through the analytical data. Results: The PCA analysis discriminated between the different evaluated zones. At eighth week 79.06% of the variance was explained and at tenth week, the 82.53%. No relation was observed for the different ham categories. The correlation between the impedance signal and the analytical determinations showed the best cross validation coefficient (R2CV) values for moisture content (0.75) and water activity (0.73). Conclusions: The impedance spectroscopy technique generated different signals between the zones of analysis during the first two post-salting times, eight and ten weeks, in which physicochemical differences were also observed as a consequence of the variation in the salt concentration between zones.

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Author Biographies

Joel GIRÓN H., Universidad Surcolombiana

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, PhD.

Rafael MASOT P., Centro Mixto Universitat Politècnica de València

Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), PhD.

Raúl Grau M., Universitàt Politècnica de València

Food Technology Department

José Barat B., Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

Food Technology Department, PhD.


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How to Cite

GIRÓN H., J., MASOT P., R., Grau M., R., & Barat B., J. (2017). Application of impedance spectroscopy for the characterization of hams during post-salting. Vitae, 24(3), 178–185.



Foods: Science, Engineering and Technology