Validation of a method employing liquid chromatography to identify and quantify glycomacropeptide of casein in raw milk


  • Orlando Bernal Chia Analista químico senior consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia.
  • Fernando Murcia Rubiano Director técnico consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
  • Olga Lucía Ávila Guzmán Jefe de laboratorio consorcio consultoría PTP, Biotrends laboratorios SAS, R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
  • Jenifer Yaneth Guzman Gualteros Profesional senior vicepresidencia de agroindustria Colombia Productiva cuya vocera y administradora es la Fiduciaria Colombiana de Comercio Exterior Fiducoldex S.A, Bogotá Colombia
  • Willinton Arturo Arias Casallas Gerente general R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia
  • Maria Victoria Morales Gerente de proyectos R y G Asesorías S.A.S, Bogotá Colombia



Casein glycomacropeptide c-GMP, High Pressure Liquid Cromatographic - HPLC, Fraud food, Whey milk, Raw bovine milk


BACKGROUND: The information on official testing methods, or regulatory methods in Colombia to test whey in milk is limited; this restriction of information goes against the possibility of mitigating the risk of food fraud. OBJECTIVES: The validation of an HPLC method to determine casein glycomacropeptide (c-GMP), a protein that countries such as Brazil, Spain, and Ecuador have used as an indicator of raw milk adulteration with whey, was carried out. METHODS: A 10mL sample of raw milk is precipitated with 24% TCA using ultrasound, a process followed by filtration. The collected fraction ensured the separation of c-GMP and then injected into the liquid chromatography. RESULTS: A 30 minutes analysis allowed the determination of c-GMP with a retention time of 12.9 ± 0.5 minutes. The performance characteristics method in the validation exercise were: recovery percentage 99.97%, linearity R2> 0.95; % RSD accuracy <5.3%. CONCLUSION, the method exhibits desirable attributes for the intended purpose.

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How to Cite

Bernal Chia, O., Murcia Rubiano, F. ., Ávila Guzmán, O. L. ., Guzman Gualteros, J. Y. ., Arias Casallas, W. A. ., & Morales, M. V. (2021). Validation of a method employing liquid chromatography to identify and quantify glycomacropeptide of casein in raw milk. Vitae, 28(3).



Foods: Science, Engineering and Technology