A recognition of the actors of the public library in Antioquia
Public library, library history, public libraries in Antioquia, actors in the public libraryAbstract
This study defines “actors” as institutions or persons who have played a role in the public library and in the development of this social institution in Antioquia. It describes the rise and development of this institution as a result of the mediation of various players, some of them from state legislation and others from private and public sectors. Thus it is possible to identify various types of actors who, through their actions have contributed to the permanent and significant growth of the public library in the Department of Antioquia. he methodology of this study assumed a qualitative focus that, in turn, was based upon an interpretive paradigm, thereby facilitating the comprehension of historical phenomena related to the public library in its proper context. Both primary and secondary sources were used in this study. Notable among the conclusions, it is appropriate to point out, is that the state, in its different manifestations—national, regional, and local—became involved in construction as a means of supporting education and carrying it to distant locations. The private sector, for its part, has been involved since the early years of the twentieth century with the support of nascent local industry and, by the end of the century, through the support of family compensation funds. For their part, the social actors have made their presence known in various ways—as cultural and political elites or organized groups.
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