The logical inconsistency of the other ... or the "spirit of psychoanalysis"


  • Ana Paula Britto Rodrigues Juiz de Fora Federal University
  • Heloisa Caldas State University of Rio de Janeiro



inconsistency, logical-mathematical, Other, discourse, spirit of psychoanalysis


“The essence of psychoanalytic theory is a discourse without words”, Lacan says in the first class of the Seminar, book 16, From an Other to the other. Where can the paradox of this sentence send us to? First of all, according to Lacan, a signifier cannot represent itself.This takes us, therefore, to the long scope of the expression itselffor the signifier proper. There would be, so to speak, an opacity, aninconsistency in the signifier structure itself, which leads us to conclude that there is no closing point of discourse, even more, “there is no universe of discourse”. We clinically translate such statement verifying that there will always be what cannotbe said. That does not mean taking the analytic discourse as impossible, nor devalue it. It is an impasse that is, above all, a logical-mathematical one. Hence this paper presents the radicality of the logical inconsistency of the Other as a correlate of a call to what Lacan names “spirit of psychoanalysis” when addressing his School.

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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Britto Rodrigues, Juiz de Fora Federal University

Psychoanalyst. Master in Research and Psychoanalytic Clinic at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ / RJ); PhD student of the Post-Graduate Program in Psychoanalysis at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ / RJ); Professor of Specialization in Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity and Culture at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF / MG).

Heloisa Caldas, State University of Rio de Janeiro

Psychoanalyst. PhD in Psychology - UFRJ; Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Psychoanalysis - PPGPSA / UERJ; Researcher at the Inter-university Network of Written Research of Experience; Option Editor Lacania-na online new series (; Member of EBP / AMP.


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Miller, J-A. (1997) Lacan elucidado: palestras no Brasil.Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Jorge Zahar.

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How to Cite

Britto Rodrigues, A. P., & Caldas, H. (2012). The logical inconsistency of the other . or the "spirit of psychoanalysis". Affectio Societatis, 9(17), 1–11.