Spatializing emotions
Participatory emotional cartographies of young women who inhabit spaces of violence in Mexico City
Spatialization of emotions, emotional cartographies, young women, inhabited space, urban violence, genderAbstract
In this article I present the experience of co-generating a participatory methodology, based mainly on social mapping and ethnography, to elaborate emotional maps of spaces considered dangerous in Mexico City, from a gender perspective and in the midst of the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The need for this methodology is framed in a research that I undertook, during the year 2021, in which I sought to investigate the relationship between emotions, inhabited space and violence in the daily lives of young women. The findings of this research show how emotions spatialize and re-signify the inhabited space, reorganize the geography and the urban layout based on the daily, corporal and emotional experience of the young women who inhabit it.
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