Casual morphological system in Wounan language


  • Luz Adriana Arboleda Vásquez University of Antioquia



Descriptive linguistics, Ehtnography, Ehtnolinguistics, Ehtnoscience, Morphology


Abstract. This article presents the existing interdependence between verbs and participants, and also illustrates the systematic relationship between name’s typical morphology and its capability of incorporating people capacity of incorporating the category person into verbs. The research has been focused from ethnoscience and descriptive linguistics’ approaches in order to perform a grammatical appraisal of wounan language, specifically from the perspective of current speakers’ language-appropriation; therefore, we are dealing with a synchronic study. Exploring this field from an ethnoscientific approach shall provide grounds for opening, discussing and building of curricula and teaching-proposals with thematic contents incorporating the Wounan community’s “unique” manner to perceive and identify reality

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Author Biography

Luz Adriana Arboleda Vásquez, University of Antioquia

Department of Linguistics and Literature
School of Communications
University of Antioquia
E-mail address:


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How to Cite

Arboleda Vásquez, L. A. (2010). Casual morphological system in Wounan language. Boletín De Antropología, 23(40), 154–168.




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