The ritual and its doubles: frontier, ritual and the role of masks in the festival of the Ticuna New Girl


  • Priscila Faulhaber Emílio Goeldi Paraense Museum



Ticunas, Puberty ritual, New woman, Double ritual, Masks, Frontier culture


Abstract. In the analysis of Ticuna ritual concerning feminine puberty, the role of masks in the context of the festival and double ritual is relevant. This article examines the signifi cance of the liminal stage in the context of ritual enactment and in terms of an identitary dynamic. It considers particularly the initiation in the ritual of the young girl, Tueguna, that took place in 2002, in the community of Enepü (T.I. Evare II, Brazil), of a unique mask, Tchowicu, which, according to its maker, represents the story of adventures of two brothers to avenge the assassination of their sister. The article brings together ritual initiation, historicity and ethnic identifi cation in the context of an anthropology of frontier culture.
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Author Biography

Priscila Faulhaber, Emílio Goeldi Paraense Museum

Emílio Goeldi Museum of Paraense
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How to Cite

Faulhaber, P. (2010). The ritual and its doubles: frontier, ritual and the role of masks in the festival of the Ticuna New Girl. Boletín De Antropología, 21(38), 86–103.



Etnología Latinoamericana