Carib (Garifuna) settlements in Central America: from founding heroes to protecting spirits
Caribs - blacks, Dispersion and settlement in Central America, Founding heroes, Spirits ahari-gubida, Marcos Sánchez Díaz, Livingstone, Guatemala, Garífuna, Garínagu, Collective memoryAbstract
Abstract. At the end of the 18th century, 2027 Caribs-blacks deported from the Island of San Vicent arrived on the coast of Honduras., where they dispersed into a territory that was fi nally consolidated as theirs from Dangriga in Belize to Plaplaya in Honduras, including the Guatemalan coast. This dispersion led by warriors of the island and their descendants was the key factor for the permanency of the group and also served the interests of the Spanish crown which saw in them defenders of the coast and food producers. The settlement led by Marcos Sánchez Díaz in the Bay of Amatique is a good example of this. Remembered through stories, represented in the ritual of the Yurumein and manifested in ancestor worship, Marcos Sánchez Díaz, as well as other warrior and founding heroes, became central through their characterization as protective spirits and important role models to follow.
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