The social and cultural dimension of the body


  • Rodrigo Zapata Cano Universidad EAFIT



Sociology, Anthropology, History, Body, Epistemology, Scientific divulgation, Anatomy, Plastination, Mass media


Abstract. This text describes the way the human body became the subject of analysis of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and history, acquiring in this manner a social and cultural dimension distinct from the strictly scientific anatomic-physiological field, which up to this point held the only and positive truth about such subject. After illustrating some examples from each discipline, the article describes an event in the history of anatomy in order to show the complex imbrications between knowledges and powers (regulations, codes, laws, canons, etc.) that each period and society produces when the body is apprehended from within.

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Author Biography

Rodrigo Zapata Cano, Universidad EAFIT

Professor, School of Sciences and Humanities, Universidad EAFIT


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How to Cite

Zapata Cano, R. (2010). The social and cultural dimension of the body. Boletín De Antropología, 20(37), 251–264.



Reflection article