Cultural public policy. A lecture of cultural equipments as leisure options in Medellin’s city.


  • Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya University of Antioquia
  • Saúl Antonio Franco Betancur University of Antioquia
  • José Fernando Tabares Fernández University of Antioquia



Public policy, Cultural equipments, Leisure, Accessibility, Distribution.


This article presents the main results of the re- search: characterization of the users of cultural facilities in the city of Medellín, in particular the Community 10 (La Candelaria). A reconversion of Medellin was found, reconfigured as a city en- terprise, organizer of great local and international events, which aims to attract tourists from health, business, academic and executive fields. Thus we understand the transformation and restoration of the urban area, including cultural facilities which extend the offer for the cultural consumption of them. There is a structural economic crisis of the facilities that has a direct relationship with the general crisis of the national state, who is trying to solve, overstating its regulation from a proliferation of regulations in cultural policies. Culture appears there, as a tool and not as an end, where there are irregularities and imbalances in the plans and projects, reflecting the absence of state leadership. Having a comprehensive view of cultural dynamics in Colombia, demands the assumption of a project to raise the inventory or a census of the cultural facilities that make up the cultural infrastructure of the country; no doing this, make difficult the knowledge of the projects that are being developed in different regions of the nation.

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Author Biographies

Víctor Alonso Molina Bedoya, University of Antioquia

Doctor University of Valladolid, Spain. Professor at the University of Antioquia. Leader Research Group Leisure, motor expressions and society.

Saúl Antonio Franco Betancur, University of Antioquia

Doctoral student. Professor at the University of Antioquia. Member of the research group Leisure, motor expressions and society.

José Fernando Tabares Fernández, University of Antioquia

Doctoral student. Member of the CIVITAS Corporation and the Leisure, Motor Expressions and Society Research Group


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Hamilton. (2003). Políticas públicas de cultura e desenvolvimento humano nas cidades. En Brant, L. (org.). Políticas culturais. São Paulo: Manole.

Ley General de Cultura. (2003). Ley 397 de 1997. Medellín: Ateneo Porfirio Barba Jacob.

Melo, V. & otros. (2009). Equipamientos culturales en América del Sur: desigualdades. Río de Janeiro: Apicuri.

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Plan Nacional de Cultura 2001-2010. En www. Visitado 15/08/2010.

Política de infraestructura cultural. En Visitado 15/08/2010.



How to Cite

Molina Bedoya, V. A., Franco Betancur, S. A., & Tabares Fernández, J. F. (2012). Cultural public policy. A lecture of cultural equipments as leisure options in Medellin’s city. Educación Física Y Deporte, 30(2), 583–593.



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