Develando los sentidos de la motrieidad en Colombia
Human movement, senses, physical education, teachers, pedagogical practice, educative institution, disposition, pedagogical aimsAbstract
With the suspicion that in the area of the physical education he exísts significant breaches between the reality (formal education) and the intentions and mission th at the discipline in the human development has, a group of investigators in national network with international íntervention ,drew up a project of study with the objective to reveal "the senses of the human movement, from the vision of the actors of the Physical education in Colombia", like departure po í nt to invite to a change and rupture of paradigms in this fíeld. In the study, the set of perceptions, educational speeches is understood by "Senses", experiences and practíces that the teachers of the physical educatíon in Colombia have in relation to the human movernent that surpass from íts complexity the undersranding and meaning of the human, the b io- physiologic concept of the body and instrumental mechanical dualism th at is assígned to him to the movement in historical course of the discipline.Downloads
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