Identificación de las tendencias del deporte y la recreación en la ciudad de Medellín


  • Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Betancur Profesor



Tendencies, management, the sport and rccreatíon sector, comrnunities, scenery, municipal.


The absence of a model of sectorial development, intersectorial and participative that make possible the optimization of the municipal management in the use of infrastructure , in the design of programs and in the allocation of resources for the sport and recreation sector in Medellín, lead to the motivation of the research group to make an strategic alliance with the Instituto de Deporte Y Recreación de Medellín, Inder, to investigate on this factors. Methodically is assumed the prospective 01' scenery planning, which is unfolded in participative workshop with representation of different actors of powerful, tendency markers (community, academic sector, productive sector, and public sector), they co valid the existent diagnostics and show a new way for the sectorial planning, about the necessities of the represented communities. After identifying the sport and recreation tendencies and cross them with reality of existent understructure, is presented an organizative proposal of planning, which is ca validated by the actors and then is presented to the municipal council for its approval and furtherimplementatian.
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Author Biography

Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Betancur, Profesor

Especialista en administración Deportiva y licenciado en Educación Física, Universidad de Antioquia. Profesor del I.U.E.F. de la Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Betancur, J. F. (2010). Identificación de las tendencias del deporte y la recreación en la ciudad de Medellín. Educación Física Y Deporte, 24(2), 31–45.



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